Resources for Middle School Choir Directors
Here you will find Roger’s top recommendations and products that are sure to make teaching your middle school or elementary school choirs a breeze!
Guaranteed Success for Your Middle School Choir!
Sing 6-7-8! Fifty Ways To Improve Your Elementary Or Middle School Choir
Ideal for experienced educators and those new to the field, this text is full of creative ideas and solid solutions in an easy-to-read question and answer format. View More Info…
Help the Boys Match Pitch…
Pop Warm-ups & Workouts for Tenor/Bass
Softcover Audio Online
Unchanged, changing, or changed tenor/bass singers in middle school and high school may need a little extra help in “finding” their singing voices. Roger Emerson has developed a series of warm-ups that uses excerpts from classic rock and roll tunes that will provide the motivation and repetition they need to do just that. Each song features limited ranges, starting moderately and gradually ascending into the tenor range and descending through the bass range as needed. The professionally-produced audio tracks present each exercise with vocals so your Tenors and Basses have a model to emulate. Learn More…
Fun Warmups
Pop Warmups and Workouts For Choir
Following the success of Pop Warm-ups & Work-outs for Guys collection, Roger Emerson has created this series of warm-ups for all choirs that use classic rock and pop melodies to build vocal skills while having fun! Learn More…
More Fun Warmups
Pop Warmups and Workouts for Choir #2
Following the success of Pop Warm-Ups & Work-Outs for Guys and Pop Warm-Ups & Work-Outs for Choir, this sequel includes many of the latest pop song melodies and motives to inspire students to sing with gusto and to reinforce basic choral fundamentals common to all types of music. Learn More…
Get Them Singing Harmony
Intro to Theory & Sight-Reading
Rounds are wonderful ways to introduce harmony to young singers! However, traditional rounds are often too wide of a range for the changing voice, hence this collection was created with the young male voice in mind. Learn More…
This book is more advanced. Here, we use Pop songs to teach basic intervals and the concept of keys and audiation in a fun way! Learn More…
More Harmony Practice
Pop Rounds for Choir
Singing rounds has always been an easy way to introduce harmony to young singers. Now they can enjoy rounds based on the hit pop songs by John Legend, Anna Kendrick, Camila Cabello, Justin Timberlake and more! Each Performance Kit comes with 8 books and a code to access Full performance and Accompaniment recordings. Learn More…
Rock Rounds for Choir
Singing rounds have always been an effective way to teach beginning harmony to singers of all ages. As a follow-up to his successful Pop Rounds for Choir, Roger Emerson has created an exciting collection of rock rounds for choir with songs from Sly and the Family Stone, Panic! at the Disco, Avicii, The Beatles, Ray Charles, and more! Each song offers a variety of round options incorporating familiar verses and choruses. Learn More…
Sight-reading methods to get you singing …just a couple of pages per day and you’ll be on your way.
On to more challenging literature! These require a bit more effort and experience and are sure to be a hit with your singers!
Time to divide! These SAT(B) titles were designed to be a “first time” experience for divisi of tenors and basses.